Swingin' Tern
Our contra dances are held every first and third Saturday evening year-round from 7:30pm–10:30pm, with a beginners’ workshop at 7pm. We have occasional double dances along with a New Year’s Eve dance.
$15 adults/$5 students
This dance celebrates Gary Kendellen’s 80th birthday. Roz & Gary have been dancing at Swingin’ Tern for over twenty-five years.
Caller: Sue Gola
A long-time contra dancer, Sue Gola was drawn into calling contras in 2014. Since then, she has called at dances both large and small throughout the Northeast. Sue gives instructions concisely and clearly and has a friendly way about her that makes dancers feel welcome.
Band: Brooklyn Swing Ensemble
Brooklyn Swing Ensemble has been gracing the stage of Swingin’ Tern for over thirty years. They are well known in the Northeast for their unique blend of fiddle tunes, Klezmer music, and swing/blues – playing for contra dances and other events throughout the region. With fiddle and clarinet as the lead instruments, the world is their musical oyster, and they are unafraid to explore!! The band features Danny Elias on clarinet, Sam Zygmuntowicz on fiddle, Marco Brehm on double bass, and Norman Plankey on guitar.
Useful Information:
Newcomers are welcome to come at 7pm for an introductory lesson on the basics of contra dancing. No partner is necessary. All dances are taught with a “walk-through” by the caller.
We no longer require vaccination. Masks are optional.
All dances at Swingin’ Tern are called to the gender-neutral terms Larks & Robins. Dance whatever role you’re comfortable in.
We are air-conditioned. We have windows on three sides when we want to let the breeze come in.
Our dance is two blocks from the Chatham station on the Morris/Essex line out of Penn Station, NYC.
We welcome contributions of home-baked [or not] goodies to share at the break.
Please bring your own water bottle. Water bottles may be filled at the kitchen sink.
Wear comfortable clothing. Contra dancing is aerobic. We prefer you carry in your shoes.
We are a friendly, inclusive group. Pack plenty of smiles!