Mystic Pre-Thanksgiving Pie Dance
Almost every 4th Saturday Evening all year long! When: Dance 7:30-10:30 pm [short basics session @ 7:15 pm] Contra dancing is so wicked fun, dancing to Live Music! It is the fiddle tunes of Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Appalachia & America! We often switch partners after every dance so there is no need to bring a partner, and no experience is needed to have a fantastic time! Live music: First Time String Band. They are an ever-changing roster of incredibly talented musicians. At the core are melodic clawhammer banjo player, Howie Bursen, rhythm guitar player and singer, Sally Rogers (they sing their waltzes!), and harmonica, bones and foot stomper, Deck Nieforth on harmonica, and Dan Lanier from RI has drive and a New England sensibility! Caller: Steve Holland. Steve is a modern contra dance caller, calling dances for all levels from the novice to the expert with dances ranging from traditional reels, southern style squares to the most current contra dances! Admission: $10 adults, $7 students. Donations gratefully accepted! Homemade pie slices! We offer a medley of homemade pie slices! These delicious pie slices are offered at the break for $3/slice to help support the band and caller. Role terms are: “Ladies & Gents” (or Women & Men) but dancers are welcome to choose whatever role that they are comfortable with! Clothing & Footwear: Just bring clean shoes to dance in to preserve the floor (no high heels please). Dress is comfortable and as you like. Parking: Plenty of free parking in the large parking area in front of the building!
2 days ago