Capital English Country Dancers
English Country Dance on the first Sundays of the month, October – May. Dance to live music. All dances are taught and prompted. The schedule of callers and musicians is below. Beginners, singles & couples are welcome! Doors open at 1:30, beginner workshop at 1:40 pm, dancing starts at 2pm. Please wear clean, flat, soft-soled dance shoes.
Schedule of Events
Feb 4: Orly Krasner with our Early Music Ensemble with Harpsichord (Larry Wallach, Tricia van Oers and Eric Buddington)
Mar 3: Elizabeth Freedman with Vonnie Estes, Charles Fisher and Nancy Bakemeier
Apr 7: Val Medve with Pat McPherson and Dough Creighton
May 5: Ice Cream Sunday – Melanie Axel-Lute, Elizabeth Stehl, Don Bell with Spare Parts and Britany Orlebeke
Our COVID Policy
Wearing a mask is recommended.
Please stay home if you feel sick or have symptoms of Covid or flu.
CECD will notify all attendees if someone reports a Covid diagnosis within a week after a dance.
Regular Dances: $15, $12 CECD Members (Membership: $15)
Ice Cream Sunday: $17, $14 CECD Members (includes ice cream sundaes)
1 year ago
Capital English Country Dancers
Albany, USA